I thought I would get started catching up on posting some photos from Robin and Betty’s visit in Egypt. While they were here, we saw the pyramids in Giza, five temples, four tombs, a whole lot of Nile, one giant museum, did some serious haggling at the Khan Al Kalili, had a few extraordinarily eventful taxi rides, and even made two apple pies. Delightful, yes! Busy, indeed! So I will do my best to get caught up soon… Here we go…
Ah, the pyramids. Has man made anything in recent history that will be visited by millions of tourists in 4,000 years? Anything anyone is going to marvel at? The pyramids are incredible. If you can look past the hecklers and discarded chipsy bags and imagine what it would have been like to stumble across this place after nothing but a flat sea of desert, it is truly awe-inspiring. Truly amazing.
Here are a few photos from our excursion…