Today is a beautiful day in Cairo. The torrential rain and hail storm we had a couple nights ago has cleared the air and magically washed the dust off of everything. We went for a walk and stopped in the cheese shop — truly an oasis of culinary delight in a desert of french fry sandwiches and fava beans.
At the recommendation of a friend, we picked up these…
Yogurt in terra cotta jars. Say what? I bet it is fabulous and can’t wait to try it.
We also had to pick up a snack for a day of studying and grading… olive baguette with fresh goat cheese and delice d’argental (a cheese described to us as sheep’s milk cheese which the label clearly says is cow’s milk… but who cares, it was delicious!).
Now, it’s back to studying for me.
Now I’m hungry again.
me too. when’s dinner?
Well, you certainly made me hungry. It looks delicious!
I want a cheese shop in my neighborhood! Yum! Good luck with the studying and grading!
I’m SO glad you ran into that “friend!!” wink wink
me too!!! i swear, that cheese place and the italian deli save me from losing it sometimes. if only an italian gelato shop would open… I’d be one happy camper. it doesn’t sound like such a crazy, ridiculous, never-gonna-happen kind of thing now that there is a real french cheese place that sells yogurt in terra cotta containers just down the street. i never would have imagined that would have happened in a million years, so i am not giving up hope. maybe a Whole Foods will go in too!!!!